This is what i feel like sharing with everyone!
“Those who take that leap of faith in believing what they can accomplish Will always accomplish”
The biggest problem with most of the people is that they don't believe in themselves and they think they ain't worth doing thing that they love!
I have met a lot of people and most of them are satisfied and settled and they are not ready to move further!
Don’t be like them! each and every human being is capable of doing things that he dreams or thinks about!
you just have to believe in yourself and give your best! and keep moving
the road called life is endless
“The more you go to the edge of your limits the more your limits will expand”-Robin Sharma
Dare to dream big!
And i have this ego which is kind of good i.e. whenever i see someone accomplish something i will be like if he can even i can !
Dream Big!
Respect yourself
Get Inspired!
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Focus on what’s worthy !
When you observe kids, while eating bread Did you guys notice one thing !
they always eat the best part, the soft part of the bread, but the keep away the crust intact!
so always focus on what’s the best! Don’t settle on good, demand for great!
Someone has rightly said “Children come to us more highly evolved than adults to teach us the lessons that we need to learn “
My friend has written very beautifully about it! please do read!
2. Don’t look for Motivation:-
You guys may think am i crazy about the topic but yeah its my personal opinion , Don’t look for motivation its kind of drug, When you get motivated you look for some more and waste your time ! and When i try to motivate myself, nine times out of ten im pushing myself to something i don’t really care about!
“Motivation is something that pushes you, Inspiration is something that pulls you “-
Sir .Vinay.R.Pawar(My Mentor)
So, Motivation is about things that you think you should do or that your supposed to do. Inspiration is about being called to act because your in direct alignment with the magnetic, luminous marrow of potential that is you!
Motivation: You write a book, blog, the brochure to raise your profile so you can sell more stuff, serve more people. You compose and package your thoughts. A 1000 Words a day until you have crossed the finished line!
All are fine reason!
Inspiration: I have something to say that needs to be heard. When i write i feel bigger,freer, like I’m using my knowledge well !
What is motivating you?
What is inspiring you?
what is pushing you?
What is pulling you?
follow the pull
Its the biggest leap towards flying high!
And Lastly
“People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them, or that they’ll be unable to achieve them. We, their hearts, become fearful just thinking of loved ones who go away forever, or of moments that could have been good but weren’t, or of treasures that might have been found but were forever hidden in the sands. Because, when these things happen, we suffer terribly.”