The Turn! (Part 1)

Bharat Kulkarni
3 min readApr 28, 2020

My phone started buzzing, it was my alarm and the time was about 6:53 AM, I was wondering why did I set an alarm for this god oddly time? It was just 2 hours since I dozed off and my stomach was crying out of hunger. It’s been 3 weeks since I talked to any human and I haven’t left my apartment Since I quit my day job and decided to work on the book that I’ve been oh so keen to start.

I remember it was Monday morning, I was so happy and satisfied with my job that I decided to quit and run away and I never wanted to get a job again.

I was not able to go back to sleep not because I was hungry, I mean that could also be a reason and mainly because I had these thoughts and often I would ask myself why aren’t things working out. What was I even doing? other than eating, drink, and self-loathing.

I dragged myself to the kitchen just to have another disappointment. There was no wine, coffee, chocolate, or even water left!

I was out of sleep, money, things to eat, my apartment was a mess, I didn’t talk to any of my friends or family members, few of them must have even thought that either I was dead or kidnapped and the book that I was Ohh so excited to work on, well I couldn’t even figure out what the actual fuck I was supposed to write!

At this moment I was cursing all my friends who told me to quit and my day job and follow this thing called passion. Fuck you assholes! I yelled.

I was remembering the moment when my parents told me not to quit, I had absofuckinglutely no idea where I was going, staring at the windowpane, I could see spider’s nest, those bitches built their nest in my house without asking me or paying me any rent, I thought I should probably call Harvey and Mike and sue the fuck out of them.

I was thinking about my life, it probably happened during night time but now it was all day every day. I found one jar of peanut butter left and I decided to obviously eat it and on the branding label, there was a comic of Mr.Peanutbutter which had Charles Bukowski’s quote “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.”

I realized two things at that moment that I had gone crazy and my life was horrible, what the fuck was Charles talking about? Have I not reached the crazy point yet? I was about to throw that jar of peanut butter away, I heard knock on my door. I thought it would be the old man asking for rent.

I walked and opened the door to see an old man, It was 40° C out and this old was wearing a coat and a Beret Hat, For a moment I thought he might be participating in a fancy dress competition for old people. I mean they have competitions for dogs, cats, and the Olympics for old people so why not fancy dress? I questioned.

Looking closely I figured that it wasn’t my landlord old man. I didn’t even know this old guy. Why was he here and What did he want from a loser like me?

This old man shoves a wooden staff in my hand “Your turn,” he says, and vanishes.



Bharat Kulkarni
Bharat Kulkarni

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