
Bharat Kulkarni
2 min readApr 27, 2020

Questions — a matter requiring resolution or discussion.

Isn’t our life filled with unanswered questions? but are we really looking for the answers or are we just waiting for time to let us know?

Is anything even real? or are we just puppets in an experiment called life?

What is life? What are we meant to do? What’s this experiment all about?

Do things happen for a reason? or is it just fate or destiny? or it’s a result of all our choices?

Choices? Do we really have a choice? Is this living free? Are we choosing for our story or for someone else’s?

Happiness? What is happiness? Is happiness a choice? Is sadness the opposite of happiness or is it hopelessness? Am I the only one I know, waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?

Is suffering also a choice?

Am I trying too hard to get what I want in life like love, respect, and happiness and it often has the opposite effect and I end up lonely, dejected, and miserable?

What is love? Why do we love someone or something? Why do I love chocolates so much? Is love necessary? Do we accept the love we think we deserve?

Why is it so easy to define sadness than love or happiness? Do we really have to define and give meaning to everything? What’s the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? Why do we exist? What is our mission?

Isn’t everything that we label man-made?

Why do happiness and love sound like an idea? What do you think happens after we die?

Which is worse — failing or never trying?

Why do I fuck up every time?

Is money fake and poverty real?

Why is it literally impossible to purchase an unused mirror?

Why is the heart considered to have feelings when it’s clearly the mind?

Why can’t we shut our ears? Why can’t we shut our minds?

What is right or wrong?

What’s wrong but sounds right?

Why am I even writing this?

Why are you reading this?

Does any of this make sense? Why does everything have to be perfect?

Is uncertainty the answer?

Frequently asked questions or frequently avoided questions?

So What?



Bharat Kulkarni
Bharat Kulkarni

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