
Bharat Kulkarni
4 min readApr 10, 2020
Tokyo, Japan

Everyone around the world is experiencing lockdown, remember during normal days what most of us wanted to do was? SLEEP in our comfy beds and continue doing that.

Well, the universe has finally listened to us and now we have all-our time for ourselves and our bed ❤.

I wish that was me and I’m scared of cats!

I wish I cloud sleep for the entire day, I couldn’t because ya boy got a job to do and bills to pay. You know what’s great Saturday and Sundays when I can finally think that I can sleep for the entire day except my mom wakes me up and boom I got chores to do :(.

Okay, I got caught away thinking about sleep and now back to what I was thinking to say.

There are memes about quarantine, there are plenty of blogs, videos and all that talk about how you should be working on yourself, this is the time you’ve got, you know to get creative, invest in yourself, pick up a hobby, learn new things and what the fuck not?.

But the thing is most have heard this even before lockdown, we have always been told to improve ourselves, everyone talks about it even those shitty motivational speakers, Fuck them basically all these motivational speakers are the people who can’t do shit themselves and now they go on teaching people on how to do shit. Someone once said, “He who can does; he who cannot, teaches.” Those motivational speakers belong to the latter and also check out my other post on why motivation doesn’t work and how you shouldn’t rely on it!.

Okay got diverted again, back to improving yourself, I say that this is a life long process and this is a great time to get started if you haven’t already but don’t make this a reason to start and then stop after things are back to normal. Everyone’s got 24 hours and invest it wisely. This kinda reminds me of a famous saying by a famous person called Socrates and he says “When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you want to breathe, it is then you shall have it.”

What I’m trying to say is keep working on yourself and don’t stop and don’t do it for some silly reason, do it cause you got one life and you don’t want a life full of regrets.

So keep learning and don’t stop!

Life after Quarantine?

This question has been haunting me for a while now, I have no idea when this will end but if it ends how is it going to be? Any idea?

Will there be handshakes? Hugs? will people still go out?

I’m pretty sure that I’m open for handshakes, hugs, brofist and what not. Will others be?

And also people will be more concerned about the cleanliness and will have the basic common sense that they lacked before.

Will street foods ever be the same? I don’t know.

Will amazon finally start delivering though drones? I hope they do!

Will people wear masks even after this? I hope they do if not all the time at least when someone even has the common flu. People in Japan follow this and I hope everyone does too.

Will Work from home be a thing? I wish, not because I like it and it’s comforting but because there will be less pollution due to commute, it’s not huge but it’s something better.

Will people finally start cooking? Now that they have mastered it during quarantine and shit posted it on Instagram? this is when we will get to know how many of learning to cook to eat healthily and how many of them did it for the gram!

Will she go out on a date with me? the answer is “when I finally have the courage to ask her out?” That’s when I’ll get to know.

There are a lot more questions starting with “will”! not, for now, I’ll stop.

What is something I wish everyone will have or do?

Gain common sense and have some etiquettes that were taught in school.

Don’t wait for the completion of anything in life and do what you want to do cause, you got one life kid. Realize this if you are not doing it now, you will never do it!

So when is the right time? The right time is always now! Do those things that you always wanted to and don’t give yourself some BS reason on why you can’t do instead, give yourself reasons on why you can and how you will.

Finally, people will realize that life is short and they have to tick all the things from their bucket list.

In short — Act as humans, be kind, protect nature and have a life with no regrets (I’m talking to you Bo — ask her out!).



Bharat Kulkarni
Bharat Kulkarni

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