
Bharat Kulkarni
3 min readApr 13, 2020
Photo by TK Hammonds on Unsplash

According to Wikipedia Infatuation means “Infatuation or being smitten is the state of being carried away by an unreasoned passion, usually towards another person for whom one has developed strong romantic or platonic feelings.”

Okay before you think that this is going to be about developing or having an infatuation about some person, Sorry to disappoint you it’s not about it and I’m not the person who should be talking about it.

Infatuation about dreams/goals?

We all have some kind of dreams, aspirations, goals or call it whatever you want it. We all have those and they sound fascinating, we are wowed by it or are they just a mere infatuation?

Let me keep it simple, we are infatuated to our dreams and goals. We want to reach there someday and that’s all we dream about. We dream about the bigger picture even I used to, I used to dream about being a rockstar and smashing my guitar in front of the audience or fans. That image in my head was what I was married to.

When I held the guitar for the first time I knew this is not what I dreamed about. This is not how it was supposed to go, I was being played by my own imagination. No one told me that it would be easy but neither that it would suck this much.

“They want the outcome more than they want to obtain the skill”

Being carried away by our dreams is easy, it’s all over the goddamn Internet, you get to see a lot of people talking about their big ambitious dreams and how they achieved it and it’s all cool, fancy and awe-inspiring to hear about it and I agree with them and hope you too do. And surprisingly that’s the main problem. Everyone talks about the good stuff, the stuff that people want to hear about, the stuff will make you go “How the fuck in this world?”

We like the idea of being there but we got no idea how hard or how long it’s gonna take and when you actually start working on it and reality hits your face, this is where most of them give up, this is where I gave up at a certain point of time.

It’s easy to dream about the end goal, but it takes courage to actually work on it, make sacrifices and not to have any expectations, that’s the part that no one ever talks about, there are no memes about the struggle!

We develop an unreasoned passion for this big ambitious dream of ours, we get so overwhelmed with and It makes us feel that we want it, we want to be there the next morning. It’s this candy, that we imagine and we think it's available in the store and we can get it easily. The reality is that we are making that goddamn candy out of nothing.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Dreams are important, Goals matter as the saying goes “Without a goal, you can’t score”. But we have to understand that it takes time and courage to go through this path to reach the destination. Are you happy going through a road filled with puddles and broken bridges with nothing for support except yourself?

All I’m trying to say is that don’t get infatuated with the idea of your dreams, it will only break you!



Bharat Kulkarni
Bharat Kulkarni

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