I say….
I say Language is a virus and that’s where I got this prompt to write today’s blog.
I say I could write 10 sentences starting with I say but, does my voice matter?
I say it definitely matters and is important. It deserves to be heard. my stories deserve to be told. But am I living up to the potential?
I say my voice matters but so does everyone’s and if you think about it, it all comes down to zero, Like if everyone matters then no one really does. So what matters actually?
I say you matter, you are responsible for you and you matter to yourself and not for anyone. It’s always you, so Love yourself and be the biggest fan of yourself cause if you’re not then how do you expect others to be?. I don't know why but this kinda reminds me of “Backwards law” — When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float. When
you hold your breath, you lose it — which immediately calls to mind an ancient and much neglected saying, “Whosoever would save his soul shall lose it.”. Now, this is quite confusing, right? yeah me too. I’ll let this sink in for a moment.
I say you matter to you, but you got 2 people in you, which one do you listen to? your heart or your mind? Feelings or Logic?
I say you listen to the third person who is hiding, your stomach because it doesn’t care about logic or feelings, if it’s empty it screams and you should always listen to your stomach.
I say trust your gut feeling, We often talk about a “gut feeling” when we meet someone for the first time or when making a difficult decision and you somehow know your gut is always right, it’s that thing which can never be wrong. Guess what? your gut feeling comes from your stomach! Always trust your gut aka stomach. (Science behind gut feeling)
I say or my gut definitely wants to say this. Hey you, you reading this if we ever meet, we’re going to eat pizza and it’s on me but, you gotta buy me a coke.
I say stay at home and enjoy your time with people around you or all by yourself while this shit goes down and if you don't come out of this lockdown with something new or better then you never really lacked time, you lacked discipline ✌️.