I give up!

Bharat Kulkarni
4 min readApr 25, 2018


WELL! We all have this habit of looking out for new things, that sound interesting or they mere are infatuation. We develop the art as our hobby.

A hobby that end up being the purpose of our life, or a hobby that shall remain as mere liking towards it, and finally giving up on it!

Yeah, that’s true what’s your point? (-_-)

Why do we even try to learn new skills or adopt a new hobby or any other creative work? “All of us we get into creative work is because we have a good taste”

When we adopt something like a new hobby or a skill everything seems fresh and fascinating, we think this is what we should keep doing and master in it, we get so freaking excited especially at the beginning, but then as time flies by, we either end up doing it or we give up when we are half way there or even worse, we give up long before we have even started it!

So why does this happen to most of us?

Well, we kick start with a lot of things in mind, we make a huge list, a list so big that most of us get overwhelmed and that’s it, we stop it there, we go like “Man that’s a lot to do, I’m done! I quit!” .

The key to start anything in life, it can be any learning or a new skill, taking up a new hobby or working out or even relationship “Always Start Small”, Kicking things off with a huge list may sound cool and amazing but that’s what will make you dump it!.

Let’s say you have started small, and it’s going well and you keep going for a year or two, you build stuff it’s good, it’s trying to be better, it’s has potential but, your “TASTE” is still killer and your “TASTE” is why your work disappoints you, you want it to be perfect, most people never get past through this phase, they eventually quit and most of them who do creative work go through this phase, everyone who is starting now go through this phase, and our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have, it’s not perfect and there is this huge gap! and you gotta know that it’s normal and the only way to achieve this is to do lot of work, it’s only by going through huge volume of work that you will close the gap and eventually your work will be as good as your taste!

It’s gonna take a while and it’s completely normal, you have to fight your way through!

Here’s a story — When Pablo Picasso was an old man, he was sitting in a cafe in Spain, doodling on a used napkin.Anyway, some women sitting near him was looking on in awe. After a few moments, Picasso finished his coffee and crumpled up the napkin to throw it away as he left.The woman stopped him and said “Wait, Can I have that napkin you were just drawing on? I’ll pay for it!”. “Sure,” Picasso replied.”Twenty thousand dollars.” The woman jolted back as if he had just flung a brick at her. “What? It took like two minutes to draw that.” “No ma’am,” Picasso replied. “It took me over sixty years to draw this.” He stuffed the napkin in his pocket and walked out of the cafe.

Hell of a story right? Holy भेंस. I hope you get the point!.

And I believe the main reason most us give up because our work is not up-to the mark, it’s not perfect. But we have to understand that “Good is better than Perfect!” and “Done is better than Perfect!” and all you have to do is work on it and be patient, things will work out as you wanted them to but it’s gonna take a while!.

Perfection is the enemy of progress, Perfect is the enemy of good!

And yeah there are also other reasons why people give up, some of them being —

“They want the outcome more than they want to obtain the skill” read more about this here.

“They mistake failure for lessons learned”

“They get distracted with the current trends”

And the list goes on, maybe I’ll talk about some others in my next post, that’s it for today!.

And yeah, I know this post is not up to the mark and it would be a great irony if I didn’t publish this post which says done is better than hitting the bull’s eye!

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, let me know what do you think about it and don’t forget to like and share and all those good stuff!

Your’s truly

Bharat Kulkarni

It’s My C.R.A.P (Season 2, Episode 2)



Bharat Kulkarni
Bharat Kulkarni

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