Let’s talk about friends.
To my dear best friends — yeah assholes this one is for you so, make sure you read it, I’ve invested my precious time and useless frustration in this so, you better read it or else you’re buying me a pizza plus you have to read it out loud in the pizzeria.
I’m blessed to have few crappy friends and damn I hate them.
We don’t talk often maybe like once in a year, quarter, month or if lucky then a week. Yeah my friends all are super busy with 33.6% of “NOTHING”, 33.6% of “SLEEP” and most importantly 33.6% of “PROCRASTINATION”.
We all are so caught up in things that we don’t even wish each other on our birthday’s and that’s mainly because most of us have all removed our birth date from all of our social networks and we can’t remember shit.
But my assholes will always turn up when I need help, by making fun of me.
If I’m in trouble, you all make sure that I’m still in trouble.
Dear Best Friend, Thank You For Making Everything Worse, you’re such a great disappointment. I hate god for your mere existence.
You simply make everything worse. I’m unlucky to have you by my side. I just want you to know how much I don’t appreciate you and how ungrateful I am for you.
Thank you for not giving me your time. I believe a person’s most precious gift that can give to anyone is by not his/her time because you can never take it back. And you always didn’t give me that and you can never take it back, I hope your tiny brain gets the point.
There’s always a dull moment with you.
Thank you for always not understanding. You always judged me. You never accepted me. And your closed mindedness always discomforts me.
Thank you for being part with my immaturity.
Thank you for making distance a big deal to our friendship. Thousand miles apart, and we still don’t talk or meet. You always forget. You always change.
Thank you for not sharing your food with me especially the cosy food that we all love.
Thank you for not valuing me. You always took me for granted. And I appreciate it a lot.
I can’t go beyond this. I’m sorry I know I disappoint you every time.
Jokes apart words can’t explain how grateful I’m for these aliens in my life.
They are always (hopefully) will be just one call away to save the day.
You guys, you know all the shitty things that I’ve done, you all know everything and still make fun of me.
Thank you for being you. You’re amazing. If only you knew how grateful I am to be your best friend, you would know that this wouldn’t end. Because there’s surely a million reasons I would want to thank you for. And words are not enough. (But the truth is it’s midnight and I want to sleep)
Thank you for being my best friend.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Love always, your asshole friend.