Ability to respond!
According to dictionary.com the definition/meaning of Responsibility is “the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.”. But from what I’ve learned from my mentor is that the actual meaning of responsibility is “Your ability to respond to the situation!”. Response-ability Ability to respond!.
Responsibility really is the ability to respond or disability to respond to different situations in life. People who are being labeled as irresponsible are not really wreck-less or selfish, but rather unable to respond to a given life situation in a firm, decisive and positive way.
Outer circumstances can never be changed, or at least not rapidly. We can, however, influence our own life experience, but it is hard to make it stop raining one afternoon just because you would prefer sunshine. All we can do is take it as it is and move on, as they say, “What stand’s in the way becomes the way!”.
We humans often react to stimulus rather than respond to it, you see reaction means simply to do again. And this is what we do, we react to a stimulus again and again and again until we feel like we have no control over the response. But this is where we differ from the majority of our animal friends, we, in fact, DO have control over our response, and that we can always make a better choice, rather than simply reacting to the world around us. Difficult things happen, and there sometimes is no explanation, but, we always have the choice as to whether we will give a positive or a negative response. Often we’d like to blame those around us, circumstance, upbringing, our environment and even God, for not flourishing in life, and that’s now the way we should respond, Think about it, whatever it is you are dealing with think about it start to finish, think about it from your point of view, think about it from the other person’s point of view. Think about it from an outside observer’s point of view. How does it appear now? Does it look different?. After analyzing the situation we should respond in a way that makes sense.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, let me know what do you think about it and don’t forget to like and share and do all those good stuff!.
Your’s truly,
Bharat Kulkarni
It’s My C.R.A.P (Season 2, Episode 10)