A place where it all began
Disclaimer: this post is going to be filled with photos!.
Before I go ahead and tell you about Tye and all that stuff, we have to go back in time. So, get into that DeLorean and turn it to 2013 somewhere in the month of July or August. It was another boring day in college and I was probably sleeping and suddenly from the only door we had for our classroom Two strangers appeared to stop the boring lecture that was going on, which was never even going to help us in future in any kcufing way and I couldn’t be much happier, I didn’t care who they were or what they were here to do, I was happy that the lecture was interrupted and yeah also to wake up!.
Those 2 Strangers opened up a whole new perspective in me and they are Mahesh sir and Shiv Sir.
Turns out they were here to talk about “Entrepreneurship” And trust me this word was new to me I didn’t know what it meant I was in 11th Grade and unfortunately for my entire life, this was the first time I had heard this word. And then when they told us what is it and who are the Entrepreneurs, It got me excited and I wanted to know more about it and then it all began the road to Uncertainty the road which leads me to Entrepreneurship.
So yeah, there were here to introduce to us about a program called TYE (Tie Young Entrepreneurs)which is conducted by TIE(The Indus Entrepreneurs) in which they would tell us about Entrepreneurship, Business, and at last the students would form teams, these teams should each come up with an Idea and make a B-Plan out of it and compete against each other, and the best team would again compete in an International Level.
This program was conducted on every Sunday for 3–4 hrs, where they would call Entrepreneurs from all fields to share their experience an also some lessons which they learned through their journey. This all sounded cool to me and so I thought let’s give a try and I did and I ended up loving it, So much that I still go there 😐.
During this period of time I got to meet a lot of people and made some great friends and learned a lot and I couldn’t thank them enough for being a part of my life.
For the first time in my life, I was told that “You don’t have to do it the same way, there are different ways to do it and this is one of them”. and this blew my 16-year-old mind .
This program and these people have put such an impact on my life, I have gone from not know the meaning of the word Entrepreneur, not knowing how to start a company, not knowing who the hell Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are, to getting ideas, building my first company, to knowing and meeting Great Entrepreneurs.
After the classes are done, we were formed into teams and all of us started hunting for ideas, we came up with stupid crazy ideas in the beginning and later some decent ones and then we had to work on those ideas, make a Business Plan, work on the finances and if the Idea was a viable one and if we could build it in a small way, we had given the opportunity to go ahead with it and find out what the struggles look like while building a business and this part would take place during the holidays and I fell in love with the whole process, we spent our entire holidays building and getting ready for the B-Plan competition, Aside from the competition, I really loved the process of building stuff, morning to night going to meet people and asking them how it’s done and then actually doing it and failing badly at it and then starting again tomorrow was the best part of my entire life!.
And then the day arrived, all the teams presented and the results were announced and as you guessed, Our team secured the first place from behind 😐 Tye Bplan 2014 Results. It’s fine I’m pretty happy with what we did.
I’ve asked some of my friends who attended TYE to share their experience and here it goes!.
Shreyas Melbuddhi — “My Experience at TiE’s exclusive program TYE was no less than a lifetime experience. It is at this program where I could add meaning to what means “Learning” and especially how it is different from what we do in our regular scholastic schedules. Meeting new people with such a great mind and freedom of thought, made me build up the courage to try something different from what is done in a layman’s life.”
Atul Joshi — “Accha Tha, But last moment funding nai kiye! 😆. Learned a lot of things to tackle the problem in a startup and started thinking innovative.”
Pavan Punyavant — “It was a good experience, learned something new every week and made some good friends and also found out how tough the competition is outside.”
Shashwati Patil — “The best season to plant is the rainy season, likewise, TYE has been one such season to me, where I not just learned to grow, but also to bloom. The place that taught to focus, enjoy, learn, think, not to think, read deeply but not everything, be selective but choose wisely. A place that nourished us in whole. In debt of Tie all my life. Maybe, the place who sowed the seed of entrepreneurship, life, madness, High thinking — simple living, being out of the box, and much more good. The journey has been only beautiful and beyond, the best things that have ever happened. Also, I have got beautiful memories to cherish and people for life.”
And that’s it for now, I thank Mahesh sir, Shiv sir, Vinay sir, Prasad Sir, Anand sir, Mohit sir, Vivek sir, Santosh Sir and all the other amazing people we met through TiE and for bringing a new perspective’s into our lives.
And finally Thank you Shreyas, Atul, Pavan and Shahswati for sharing their experience with me for this post!.
And Lastly it’s ironic that we still didn’t get our certificates 😜.